It was so exciting to be invited to exhibit my art at the Cloverdale Arts Gallery, but it comes with lots of hard work.
I've exhibited my photography but collage is so much more work. Because I love doing many forms of collage I realized that I had to have a cohesive exhibit--one basic subject matter and somewhat the same "style." How many pieces would I need? Ten feet worth! Well, I figured about 8 pieces maybe. Eight pieces of what? I thought... birds, I love birds and always have...except jays. I can do multiple birds, birds of prey would be good...hummers and maybe a flower or two for color. What I didn't realize is how much detail birds actually have...feathers, wings, and the eyes... And I use maps, very old maps, storybook images, etchings, ledger pages, Citrasolv paper--so color, shade and shape would make up those details. The process of completing a bird was much more complex and sometimes more tedious than I could have imagined. When all my pieces were done and the exhibit opening arrived I was a bit anxious. Would people like my art? Would they realize how difficult it is to create a bird with so much detail? Would anyone come to the opening? I was so pleased that my friends and family joined me at the opening evening. The support was so gratifying. The compliments were reassuring. It was a grand event. My Great Horned Owls seem to be most popular, but I don't think that I really want to be known as "the bird collage artist." Here it is 3/15/18 and I realized that I never completed this blog entry. That just shows me how inattentive I am to this blog process. Just so you know how the exhibition went, I sold three of my pieces--one was a Great Horned Owl I I decided because there were two couples that gave me such wonderful compliments about the sold owl that I created another--and it was sold the day after I hung it. I understand why the Great Horned owls are so popular. These owls are so strong and expressive, and their coloring is so beautiful that their strong presence was easily represented in my art. They are beautiful birds!!! And my Kingfisher was purchased on "take down" day. I am so very grateful to those who purchased my art and supported me through my first collage exhibition. It is so exciting to have my creations out in the world. It's kind of like being proud of your children and knowing that you live on through them. I spent a great deal of time creating the three pieces I sold--much thought, many cut pieces and lots of insuring that the paper was secure to its substrate. Using veneer made that a little more difficult, but all in all it was a most satisfying experience. My thanks to the gallery, fellow artists, and the opportunity I was given to share.